And he said he quits
Things were going hay-way
Some steps forward some drifting away
Friends whom he trusted
Got him busted
When he needed someone's shoulder for a louder moan
He was left all alone
And he said he quits

And he quit
Quit the thought that life will always be a perfect fit
With only roses and no stones to hit
Quit the idea that friends will always be there to rescue him
Not because they don't want to but because no one at all times can be prim
Quit the feeling that he has to sit and cry when he will fail
With a realization that in life sometimes things dip and sometimes sail
And he quit.

Since the time he has quit
It's not that things didn;t go down
But things going down never made him frown
It's not that he didn't need caring friend
But even when none was there his hand became his supporting band
It's not that he became all successful and hit
But even when he failed he could quit the thought he could ever quit.


If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;

If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,

But make allowance for their doubting too;

If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,

Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,

Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,

And yet don't look too good, nor talk too wise;

If you can dream - and not make dreams your master;
If you can think - and not make thoughts your aim;

If you can meet with triumph and disaster

And treat those two imposters just the same;

If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken

Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,

Or watch the things you gave your life to broken,

And stoop and build 'em up with wornout tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,

And lose, and start again at your beginnings

And never breath a word about your loss;

If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew

To serve your turn long after they are gone,

And so hold on when there is nothing in you

Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on";

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings - nor lose the common touch;

If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;

If all men count with you, but none too much;

If you can fill the unforgiving minute

With sixty seconds' worth of distance run -

Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,

And - which is more - you'll be a Man my son!

-RuDyArd KiPpLing

Anniversary... the perfect time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow...

luv u mumma-dadda.. :)

nw say... :)

click on d pic for it to enlarge.. :)

hey... how do u think is "hitoshma"??? ;)

click on d pic for it to enlarge.. :)

As I pen down today, my heart grieving with the pain of the loss of two fellow students at college, all I feel and all I remember is the thought of their friends.
Everyone encountered, thought of the agony of parents, brothers, sisters and everyone else in the family; precisely, the blood-relations, but who really thinks of the great deal of bonding that one begins to share with those he lives with by CHOICE!
I do not disagree to the fact that the loss of their parents and family is enormous, but in no state of mind am I convinced that the loss of their friends is questionable.
We are the blooming little flowers at homes, and parents do every bit of possible care, deeply sprinkling affection. We are nourished with the thoughts and ideals they carried for ages, and got accustomed to.
We go out for education or some other reason, and this happens to be the turning point of lives...the Blind-Turn!
We make choices, learn from mistakes and grow up as individuals. We follow our hearts, sometimes the mind, and sometimes fish around to stick to one of the two competitors - mind or heart. The entire life seems to be now stringing well and taking shape of a beautiful pearl lace. All of them distinct, but all of them together. And when such a disaster takes its toll and snatches out one pearl of them, the whole string is left broken and smashed.
Today, when the world cries to the harsh incidents they happen to witness by the so-called “their own”, all the young hearts tend to believe is the bondage they formed with someone on their own. Although, in no way can one deny the place the relatives own, but the place their friends inscribe in their hearts is also in no way diminished.
We learn of individuality, objectivism, self-oriented causes and we in reality nurture their thoughts within, but the feeling of belonging that takes a strong deal, the most important, most sacred, and most relied upon relation the world would ever see – Friendship, is above all.
What happens to you, certainly matters to those who are the reason for your existence, but how does that relate to someone’s pain too? Your happiness brings joy to the family, but how does it render a glow to someone’s face? The times you are sad, and you prefer not letting it be known to your parents a distance away, you are through just by the site of those few whom you feel can at least bring you out of the gloomy mood, if possibly not solve it, and let you in a state where you find the same problem a child’s play.
To write what a friend is, is endless. To think what he can do for you is regardless. And to try to rate his importance in worthless.
The purest of all forms of relations, mankind could ever come across, leaving behind the bars of selfish motives, jealousy induced hatred, competition for life-n-death, is friendship in true sense.
May be this sounds to be a piece of immature writing, a juvenile attempt, but this only means to draw out the picture of the drastically increasing feeling of oneness among people who you feel you are blessed to meet, and the people who you cry for on their untimely departure.
We all just try to create a kindergarten for each of us, where all we knew was to play together, and not play with someone’s feelings; all we did was to believe in being together, and not how to get rid of someone; all the pain we had was of falling and getting hurt, and not being ditched about; and all we had was happiness, most wonderful.
Let’s just move back to our own world, our own place. Let’s create our own world, where someone dies along with you in the effort to bring you back. Where someone mourns for you on the sight of you lying dead in their arms. Where someone wishes to die in your place. And where someone cries it all in the heavens above, looking down at his friends in pain. :’(
Cheers to friendship, cheers to life...

I need to know if you are my true fren,

Will you be my side until the end?

Can I tell you my secrets deep,

And trust them in your Heart you’ll keep?

We are neither of us without our flaws,

Can you accept mine as I will yours?

I’ll be a shoulder to cry on when you’re blue,

Will you be there for me when I need you?

No matter how busy I’ll make time for you,

If you are busy will you make time for me too?

I will take your hand & comfort your tears,

Will you hold me sooth my fears>

I will give you joy & many warm smiles,

Can we share that even across miles?

I will never forget what’s important to me,

Will you remember what’s important to me too?

With you my most favourite things I’ll share,

If only I know do you truly care?

If you can accept me as I do you,

Then I will know you are a fren “MOST TRUE”.


A small town boy, deeply in love with a gal... first a dear friend, then the reason for his making it to the place he truly deserved but would never realise.

There was a young boy Ryan, who lived the usual way, as every guy did during his teens...enjoying roaming about with friends; sit at places for hours, chatting about girls; missing a 7pointer gal was a crime! Where “7pointer” had nothing to do with the grades she got for her was a criterion of RATING gals over looks! The one who got an eight was a real “angel”.

He was going well with his usual self, when his life took a turn, and entered a girl, softly, round the corner. He had never known her, but her first glance made him feel as if he was waiting to see her ever since. It was somebody’s wedding, when he saw her, dressed in a salwar-kurta, and could not prevent her seeing him open-mouthed.

They happened to belong to the same stream, and he was glad to realise it. The girl grew more and more upon him... There began to be fewer moments when they were not together. The guy could not realise what took him off his feet, each time she looked at him, smiling. What was there that drew him to her, to listen to whatever she had to say. He got stuck up looking at her several times, and made funny justifications when noticed.

It became excruciating for him to not be able to tell her something he thought, or something that happened to him. Even while away, talking to her through calls or text became a necessity as indispensable as food and air for him. The day she would not turn up for coaching, if at all it happened, would make him restless, and he would not bother to skip himself too.

Talks of parents, to siblings; friends, to teachers...there wasn’t a topic left which wasn’t repeated at least 5 times. Likes and dislikes became common to both. He spent several sleepless nights, thinking about her. It seemed to him as if she was the reason for his existence. Her words became his code of conduct.

He could not let anybody else being around her. Somebody coming up to her, showing interest made him mad. Anything that made her feel bad, made him feel bitter! If he grew unusually irritated over any stupid thing, his friends found calling the girl and making him talk to her the only option out.

One day, when the topic of them probably getting different colleges hit, something dropped down his stomach, through his gut. Something empty, large but empty. A sudden pain grew over and it appeared to him as if he would paralyse with her not being around. When he could draw no other conclusion to what was happening to him, he chose the nearing February for lending action to his thought.

It was the fine sunny day of Feb 14th, when he approached her, and as always, they headed to their coaching. Today he looked differently good. He did not know for a second, what went on in the class. His energies were directed only to figure out something to say, that would make her say “yes”, the desperately awaited “yes”.

After the class, she asked him the reason for him dressing so good that day, but all he heard was, “you are here to tell me something na...say it.” With a moment of gasping, he forgot all that he planned for the day, and uttered in young-boyish innocence, “I love you. Will you plzz plzz be my valentine??”

She turned to him, gave him a look which meant “what took you so long to say this?” A faint trail of tear rolled down her fair cheeks and she hugged him saying what he truly wished to hear...

:D :D

Today, the world opened my eyes to something we talk about every day, curse the system for it every time, nothing unknown, nothing new bouncing onto me, but still it has some strong urge for me to realize the depth of this “so talked about, yet ignored” fact.

“India is a vast country.” All my primary SOCIAL STUDIES lessons began with this statement. It had always been one of the most commonly used statements in the day to day lectures and public addresses. But today, I suddenly realised the real vastness of this great country.

It is the “group day” to be celebrated in the college today, as declared by cHrD. People went shopping, discussing about their wear-abouts for hours (I literally mean HOURS!), “Why do we wear this pink yaar, it’s so damn common. Even those people in the other department are wearing the same! We are different yaar. NOT PINK!”; “Oh no! These people filched our idea of wearing white!” These were the talks that sounded the entire hostel. People, pretty worried of wearing something, that would make each eye follow them.

This drives me to wonder if I actually belonged to this world! Why do these “so-called common thought” do not hit me? Am I normal; or these around me, abnormal? I knew it way back, even during early school days that I am probably not made for such “extra-curricular” activities :P But the scene seems to be much more ruthless than I estimated it to be. When was the last time we people observed or admired nature; or when did we last think of our parents, other than the regular calls that we receive from them; when was the last time that we were cautious about the things that happened around the world; rustling, yet unheard?

How do these people really manage to take out time for something so pity, so non-intellectual, so terribly ridiculous?! Or, even this thought does not strike in to enter their grey-matter, splitting the latest fashion-trends, the accessories that would go along with their dresses, pretty dresses gifted to somebody else by their boyfriends, the ways to figure out plans to make their boyfriends give them better gifts!!

Most evidently, NO! How can one even think of over-looking these so very important issues of life?! How can we not be conscious of how we look?! Damn, there are so many beauties springing up these days in the industry, and they wear so really adorable stuff, how do I resist imitating them?!

Its saddening, and moreover dis-heartening to see this whole lot, taking the very same beaten path ; agreeing in full admiration, to imitate and keep following the ways defined centuries back.

Again someday, there would be a set of people who would come-up with some sensible cinema as “3-idiots” to make people know the importance of one’s separate identity, giving scope for the growth of one’s quality of having an opinion about everything he listens to; but it would be sadly interpreted as a means to be screened for seniors when they are caught raagging; or as a convenient option for students to declare the complete educational system in India the cause of their incompetence!

But everybody today, who were “known to become engineers and doctors at the time of their birth” have got nothing to do with the sort of study they are involved with, but to simply assume their paths to be finely and smoothly paved with another post-graduate degree, in the face of Masters or MBA, awaiting their arrival, and then a grand multi-national welcoming them open-armed. But has anybody opened their eyes to this realisation, that what after a set of qualifications you earn, to frame and put on the most auspicious wall of your house? What after you earn a hell lot of money, enough for an entire life-time; what after you reach your ultimate goal of attaining MONEY?

People often forget, or may be, do not even consider this thought to waste their precious time and strength to reflect upon, or this does not belong to the syllabus they are provided with, that money is not the ultimate goal of life!

All we are doing is racing, racing our paths to success, to wealth, to luxury; not excellence, not mental-satisfaction, not the peace of mind. All we know, and all we talk about is MONEY, big damn money. Things that ever gave us pleasure, be it books or a guitar, become restrained to value- addition of shelves back home! People do not have any hobbies, they are made to have one, or rather “say” one, coz you’ll need it when your big daddies ask you about it at the interviews.

Even here, the mind begins racing so fetch the most attractive, most adorable hobby, whether you know about it or not. All we know, and all we care about are these stupid materialistic things, which would get exhausted soon, really soon.

So, wake up people, get a grip to what means what to you, know your priorities in favour as you WISH them to happen, & not THINK as they should go..