A small town boy, deeply in love with a gal... first a dear friend, then the reason for his making it to the place he truly deserved but would never realise.

There was a young boy Ryan, who lived the usual way, as every guy did during his teens...enjoying roaming about with friends; sit at places for hours, chatting about girls; missing a 7pointer gal was a crime! Where “7pointer” had nothing to do with the grades she got for her subjects...it was a criterion of RATING gals over looks! The one who got an eight was a real “angel”.

He was going well with his usual self, when his life took a turn, and entered a girl, softly, round the corner. He had never known her, but her first glance made him feel as if he was waiting to see her ever since. It was somebody’s wedding, when he saw her, dressed in a salwar-kurta, and could not prevent her seeing him open-mouthed.

They happened to belong to the same stream, and he was glad to realise it. The girl grew more and more upon him... There began to be fewer moments when they were not together. The guy could not realise what took him off his feet, each time she looked at him, smiling. What was there that drew him to her, to listen to whatever she had to say. He got stuck up looking at her several times, and made funny justifications when noticed.

It became excruciating for him to not be able to tell her something he thought, or something that happened to him. Even while away, talking to her through calls or text became a necessity as indispensable as food and air for him. The day she would not turn up for coaching, if at all it happened, would make him restless, and he would not bother to skip himself too.

Talks of parents, to siblings; friends, to teachers...there wasn’t a topic left which wasn’t repeated at least 5 times. Likes and dislikes became common to both. He spent several sleepless nights, thinking about her. It seemed to him as if she was the reason for his existence. Her words became his code of conduct.

He could not let anybody else being around her. Somebody coming up to her, showing interest made him mad. Anything that made her feel bad, made him feel bitter! If he grew unusually irritated over any stupid thing, his friends found calling the girl and making him talk to her the only option out.

One day, when the topic of them probably getting different colleges hit, something dropped down his stomach, through his gut. Something empty, large but empty. A sudden pain grew over and it appeared to him as if he would paralyse with her not being around. When he could draw no other conclusion to what was happening to him, he chose the nearing February for lending action to his thought.

It was the fine sunny day of Feb 14th, when he approached her, and as always, they headed to their coaching. Today he looked differently good. He did not know for a second, what went on in the class. His energies were directed only to figure out something to say, that would make her say “yes”, the desperately awaited “yes”.

After the class, she asked him the reason for him dressing so good that day, but all he heard was, “you are here to tell me something na...say it.” With a moment of gasping, he forgot all that he planned for the day, and uttered in young-boyish innocence, “I love you. Will you plzz plzz be my valentine??”

She turned to him, gave him a look which meant “what took you so long to say this?” A faint trail of tear rolled down her fair cheeks and she hugged him saying what he truly wished to hear...

:D :D


and now tht such a sweet comment on the chat window doesn't suffice.. i'm having 2 make a proper comment here..

okey.. its nice.. as always.. m hamesha bolta tha jyada likha kar.. thoda chota laga.. if its a story u gotta stretch it longer.. u cnt get concious abt d length of ur post cuz sm ppl say its 2 long :P :P

i know its a story re.. but it'll appear in parts..
so..picture abhi baki h mere dost..

dont know where to start from but i agree on the length part.

i thought this was gonna be a single part story. idiot if you intended to make it in parts then tune saara build up ek hi story me khatam kyun kar diya... i mean the meeting at the marriage, the coaching incidents, jealousy etc etc could have been individual parts :)

ab tune story ko peak pe laake chod rakha hain and i thought coz thats the way you wanted it to be. if possible try to write in flashback mode in the next part :)
just kidding..

seriously that needs a bit of explanation... i mean please just end this story here coz you cant do justice to it now. you have rushed upto the climax in 200 words and now you have the gumptions to say "Picture abhi baake hain"... such a loser :)

in a nutshell
let it be the complete story then its fine... dont try to extend it.
thats all mylord

m glad u commented. :)
and yeah..I tht of d flash-bak thing too re..par dat'd b really close 2 d muvi v tht of.. ryt..
only d prank part wud hv remained..
I agree it cud hv been a bit lengthier bt ppl find shorter, sweeter.. :P
neways.. wud keep in mind ki lengthy b hua to tuje padha dungi..

Hmmmmmmmm..........sumone is seeming rather romantic.......love is in the air........n don't wry about the length.......it xpresses a lot in few words.......dats wat is actually required.......ppl won't bother to go thru it even if its gud jus bcoz its 2 long.......its simple,sober n sweet.....it potrays "real" life rather than "reel" life....

it remembered me of my love
the only part untouched was i didn't dare to propose her....!!!

nice and cheeky........#######

good one!!!!