Today, the world opened my eyes to something we talk about every day, curse the system for it every time, nothing unknown, nothing new bouncing onto me, but still it has some strong urge for me to realize the depth of this “so talked about, yet ignored” fact.

“India is a vast country.” All my primary SOCIAL STUDIES lessons began with this statement. It had always been one of the most commonly used statements in the day to day lectures and public addresses. But today, I suddenly realised the real vastness of this great country.

It is the “group day” to be celebrated in the college today, as declared by cHrD. People went shopping, discussing about their wear-abouts for hours (I literally mean HOURS!), “Why do we wear this pink yaar, it’s so damn common. Even those people in the other department are wearing the same! We are different yaar. NOT PINK!”; “Oh no! These people filched our idea of wearing white!” These were the talks that sounded the entire hostel. People, pretty worried of wearing something, that would make each eye follow them.

This drives me to wonder if I actually belonged to this world! Why do these “so-called common thought” do not hit me? Am I normal; or these around me, abnormal? I knew it way back, even during early school days that I am probably not made for such “extra-curricular” activities :P But the scene seems to be much more ruthless than I estimated it to be. When was the last time we people observed or admired nature; or when did we last think of our parents, other than the regular calls that we receive from them; when was the last time that we were cautious about the things that happened around the world; rustling, yet unheard?

How do these people really manage to take out time for something so pity, so non-intellectual, so terribly ridiculous?! Or, even this thought does not strike in to enter their grey-matter, splitting the latest fashion-trends, the accessories that would go along with their dresses, pretty dresses gifted to somebody else by their boyfriends, the ways to figure out plans to make their boyfriends give them better gifts!!

Most evidently, NO! How can one even think of over-looking these so very important issues of life?! How can we not be conscious of how we look?! Damn, there are so many beauties springing up these days in the industry, and they wear so really adorable stuff, how do I resist imitating them?!

Its saddening, and moreover dis-heartening to see this whole lot, taking the very same beaten path ; agreeing in full admiration, to imitate and keep following the ways defined centuries back.

Again someday, there would be a set of people who would come-up with some sensible cinema as “3-idiots” to make people know the importance of one’s separate identity, giving scope for the growth of one’s quality of having an opinion about everything he listens to; but it would be sadly interpreted as a means to be screened for seniors when they are caught raagging; or as a convenient option for students to declare the complete educational system in India the cause of their incompetence!

But everybody today, who were “known to become engineers and doctors at the time of their birth” have got nothing to do with the sort of study they are involved with, but to simply assume their paths to be finely and smoothly paved with another post-graduate degree, in the face of Masters or MBA, awaiting their arrival, and then a grand multi-national welcoming them open-armed. But has anybody opened their eyes to this realisation, that what after a set of qualifications you earn, to frame and put on the most auspicious wall of your house? What after you earn a hell lot of money, enough for an entire life-time; what after you reach your ultimate goal of attaining MONEY?

People often forget, or may be, do not even consider this thought to waste their precious time and strength to reflect upon, or this does not belong to the syllabus they are provided with, that money is not the ultimate goal of life!

All we are doing is racing, racing our paths to success, to wealth, to luxury; not excellence, not mental-satisfaction, not the peace of mind. All we know, and all we talk about is MONEY, big damn money. Things that ever gave us pleasure, be it books or a guitar, become restrained to value- addition of shelves back home! People do not have any hobbies, they are made to have one, or rather “say” one, coz you’ll need it when your big daddies ask you about it at the interviews.

Even here, the mind begins racing so fetch the most attractive, most adorable hobby, whether you know about it or not. All we know, and all we care about are these stupid materialistic things, which would get exhausted soon, really soon.

So, wake up people, get a grip to what means what to you, know your priorities in favour as you WISH them to happen, & not THINK as they should go..



hey ppl...its open to ur comments now..
:) i hv 2 think....!!
...............still thinking............
** ERROR **
THOUGHT not FOUND....!!!
:P :P :D

3 idiots se copy kiya h....!!

srry fr such a delayed comment..
real nice writing.. kehta hu na hamesha acha likhti h.. :)

boht bada nh h :P
Its difficult n kindf inconvenient to wake up but it'll perhsaps b beautiful thereafter..
she's not copied it fr 3 idiot adil.. thts whts she is..

Excellent job........Finally sumone is talking sense........sumbody hss taken a different path rather than the beaten track.......sumone has tried to be a trend setter rather than a trend follower...........cheers!!!!!!!

its ma pic..

it is awsme and a deep thinking. bt on group day my views r diff. it does nt indicate the ignorance of nature bt it is the way of showing our unity . only the 'WAY' that u do not like.