As I pen down today, my heart grieving with the pain of the loss of two fellow students at college, all I feel and all I remember is the thought of their friends.
Everyone encountered, thought of the agony of parents, brothers, sisters and everyone else in the family; precisely, the blood-relations, but who really thinks of the great deal of bonding that one begins to share with those he lives with by CHOICE!
I do not disagree to the fact that the loss of their parents and family is enormous, but in no state of mind am I convinced that the loss of their friends is questionable.
We are the blooming little flowers at homes, and parents do every bit of possible care, deeply sprinkling affection. We are nourished with the thoughts and ideals they carried for ages, and got accustomed to.
We go out for education or some other reason, and this happens to be the turning point of lives...the Blind-Turn!
We make choices, learn from mistakes and grow up as individuals. We follow our hearts, sometimes the mind, and sometimes fish around to stick to one of the two competitors - mind or heart. The entire life seems to be now stringing well and taking shape of a beautiful pearl lace. All of them distinct, but all of them together. And when such a disaster takes its toll and snatches out one pearl of them, the whole string is left broken and smashed.
Today, when the world cries to the harsh incidents they happen to witness by the so-called “their own”, all the young hearts tend to believe is the bondage they formed with someone on their own. Although, in no way can one deny the place the relatives own, but the place their friends inscribe in their hearts is also in no way diminished.
We learn of individuality, objectivism, self-oriented causes and we in reality nurture their thoughts within, but the feeling of belonging that takes a strong deal, the most important, most sacred, and most relied upon relation the world would ever see – Friendship, is above all.
What happens to you, certainly matters to those who are the reason for your existence, but how does that relate to someone’s pain too? Your happiness brings joy to the family, but how does it render a glow to someone’s face? The times you are sad, and you prefer not letting it be known to your parents a distance away, you are through just by the site of those few whom you feel can at least bring you out of the gloomy mood, if possibly not solve it, and let you in a state where you find the same problem a child’s play.
To write what a friend is, is endless. To think what he can do for you is regardless. And to try to rate his importance in worthless.
The purest of all forms of relations, mankind could ever come across, leaving behind the bars of selfish motives, jealousy induced hatred, competition for life-n-death, is friendship in true sense.
May be this sounds to be a piece of immature writing, a juvenile attempt, but this only means to draw out the picture of the drastically increasing feeling of oneness among people who you feel you are blessed to meet, and the people who you cry for on their untimely departure.
We all just try to create a kindergarten for each of us, where all we knew was to play together, and not play with someone’s feelings; all we did was to believe in being together, and not how to get rid of someone; all the pain we had was of falling and getting hurt, and not being ditched about; and all we had was happiness, most wonderful.
Let’s just move back to our own world, our own place. Let’s create our own world, where someone dies along with you in the effort to bring you back. Where someone mourns for you on the sight of you lying dead in their arms. Where someone wishes to die in your place. And where someone cries it all in the heavens above, looking down at his friends in pain. :’(
Cheers to friendship, cheers to life...